Tuesday, September 8, 2009


When our friend's father, uncle, and grandfather set out to build a cabin on a ranch in Idaho one summer, they were with the times. It was the 70's and they were embracing it. Today, the cabin still has incredible style, even if it's incredibly out-dated. Being in a small town with a population of about 400 on a piece of land where you can walk out the front door to fire at clay pigeons with a shot gun at will, was a time-warp all it's own. The decor only enhanced the experience.

Inspired at every turn, my friend Lesley became my willing subject for a few time-warped shots one night. I found a half-sewn pillow case in the basement, pinned it around her waist, and sat her in front of a barn collapsing in the backyard. She was happy to play along until dinner time. So, here are the results from a mini-shoot on my random fabulous vacation to the deepest corner of nowhere and back. :)

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