Monday, March 31, 2008

Ashley & Brad

Photography is really neat because it's always changing. It's not the type of thing you can simply "know how to do"; there isn't any kind of finish line. When I look back on my photos I can see my progression and know that I will continue to learn and grow. Matt has been wonderful to work with because we've been able to help each other so much.

Matt has become comfortable enough with his camera to really start experimenting and lately it's REALLY paid off. The last two weddings in particular, he's blown me away. We shot a Saturday morning wedding out in Orange City over the weekend for couple Ashley & Brad and his shots are KILLER!

Ashley & Brad are such a friendly couple. She was all smiles, not a bridezilla bone in her! The best was their exit. The groom Brad drives a big pick up with exhaust stacks. I guess some of the groomsmen poured baby powder into his exhaust so when he started the truck up to leave *WHOOSH*, huge clouds of baby powder spilled into the air!

Here are a couple of my shots, I even used my new fish eye a little. I'll post some more conventional shots too. I wish I could post some of Matt's. Maybe it's time I start a Smatt Photography blog! We recently updated our website, so if anyone you know it getting hitched send 'em over to! :)

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